Tuesday, November 6, 2001

I had a pretty good evening last night. First, I went to ASU to see Kathy sing in her master class. She did two numbers, and did very well on both of them. She also looked fine, wearing a nice red dress that got her an unexpected compliment from one of her professors.

After class we went to eat at Pepper's, where we split a French dip and I had a bowl of French onion soup. No, we didn't have French fries or French dressing, so just put those thoughts out of your head. :P

Then we went out to the movies, to see Monsters, Inc. Cute movie, nice animation, and I even came close to crying at one point. However, the BIG news (at least for me) came before the movie started. They ran a preview for Star Wars Episode II beforehand, and when it came on, I tightened my grip on Kathy's hand ever so slightly. I won't wait in line to see it like I did Ep. I, but I will see the movie when it comes out in May. Oh yes, I WILL see it. *WEG*

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