Hey, I'm just browsing through some Blogs, and I stumbled upon yours. And I hate when people read a blog and don't leave a message. So now I can continue reading with a clear conscience.
By the way, your son is ADORABLE! (Wait, is it manly for me to call a kid adorable? Or does that make me seem a bit wussy?)
You are a goof!
Oh, sorry...didn't mean for that to be anonymous. You are goof, *Honey*!
Hey, I'm just browsing through some Blogs, and I stumbled upon yours. And I hate when people read a blog and don't leave a message. So now I can continue reading with a clear conscience.
By the way, your son is ADORABLE! (Wait, is it manly for me to call a kid adorable? Or does that make me seem a bit wussy?)
"Great blog!" I'll have to come back some time!
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