- I am no longer working at the newspaper. Those of you who keep in semi-regular touch with me know why. I'm looking for work, and while I haven't found anything new yet, I do have a couple of irons in the fire. I'll let ya know what happens.
- After a brief flirtation with moving to Alabama, and then Georgia, Kathy and I have decided to stay here in VA, at least for now. We're currently scoping out some property on which to put a house. Depending on job situations and the mode of housing we choose, we could have a house-warming some time in the early fall. (crossing fingers)
- Speaking of kicking it in the country, Kathy has decided to start up a new blog dedicated to her interest in home decor, cooking, and all things domicile-related. It seems only natural, seeing as how she only has subscriptions to some 127 home-decorating magazines.* Check it out at http://kathysmagicwindow.blogspot.com/.
- Ian is still growing, although his interest in all things Thomas is augmented by worship of Tweetsie Railroad. We went to see the 'Road in June, and since then Ian plays with his model Tweetsie almost as much as he does Thomas and Friends. He has even taken to singing "I've Been Working On The Railroad" as "Tweetsie Is The Railroad".
That's all I got for the moment. Now that I'm unemployed, I guess I can/should update more often, eh?
How you?
*Figure slightly exaggerated. Slightly.